"Monsterous Imaginarious" explores monsters from different cultures around the globe. Many of the "monsters" are women, and some are depicted as beautiful and alluring rather than hideous and disfigured. This makes them even more sinister as they draw their victims in before they have their way with them. There are twelve paintings that depict these dark and strange beings, and one large mandala entitled "COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS".
This piece is the largest at 36X36", and the rest are 24X24". All are acrylics on wood panels, and the edges are finished in silver leaf. Solongo makes her own gold paints with powdered gold and acrylic medium or glue.
Solongo carefully researched these mythical monsters and depicted them in their native environments and in appropriate periods in time.
MFA candidates who came to support Solongo:
Obekr Orhan, Julia Berman, Sean Twiddy, Aaron Jackson, Solongo, Nazanin Kani and Semin Chun.
SCAD Vice President P.J. Johnson and Prof. Brett Osborn, Dean of Fine Arts, were very impressed.
There's even a Medusa Munny! All of the work is for sale, and you can inquire through her website.
Julie and I and the rest of the faculty are very proud of you, Solongo! Best wishes as you head out into the art world. I know we'll be seeing you in the best art and illustration publications soon and for years to come.