This is the first texture demo I did for Airbrush Action magazine. It was the catalyst for what has become a monthly column. This is the final illustration. For the entire step-by-step, click here.
This is a process of a recent illustration I did for Suntrust dealing with the abstract concept of Wealth Management. They wanted something beyond the obvious wealth symbols while showing generations in a generic way. I tried to make this speed painting as short as possible but it's still about 8 min long. In real time it took about 2 days. Has music too! Go Home Productions Mash Ups Annie Rush and Ride (Rabbit Hole Mix) Used with permission.
I do a column for Airbrush Action Magazine, which is odd since I really don't do much airbrush anymore. But it's cool because nowadays, most airbrush folks do cars, motorcycles, tee-shirts, etc. I'm happy to promote airbrush as a viable tool for traditional illustration, so I do this column that deals with texture techniques. This month, I'm doing something about using different "holy" things to airbrush through. I'm using lace, doilies and other things as a "matrix" to produce cool effects. Here is the finished illustration: