Loraine works with illustrators daily, and shared some of her vast knowledge about the art of illustration and the business of children's book publishing.

Loraine walked us through several books, explaining the process of working with the authors, editors and illustrators to bring a book from an idea to a finished, published work.

We got to meet many of the other folks at Peachtree and learned a little about what they do in the publishing process.

In Loraine's office, she showed us a few of the MANY, MANY promos she receives on a daily basis, and gave us a few hints about what she keeps and what ends up in the round file. And finally, she walked us through a wonderful set of working drawings for a book in progress, explaining the importance of flow, continuity, pacing and point of view. It was a wonderful tutorial on how to think when laying out a picture book.

D'oh! Look who beat us there!
Thanks to Loraine Joyner and everyone at Peachtree Publishers! We really appreciate your hospitality.