The inaugural meeting of the SCAD-Atlanta Illustration club was held today, and we are up and running!
Thanks to everyone who came out on a dreary Friday morning to get the ball rolling on this new venture into illustration stupendousness.
A few things were decided today:
1. The name: about 20 possible names were suggested by various students and faculty, and 5 seemed to be contenders for the top spot.
They were: The High Society of Lowbrow Art, The League of Extraordinary Illustrators, The Royal Pencil Society, Pencil Posse, and The Illustration Asylum. A vote was taken and the winner is
"The Royal Pencil Society", which was submitted by Renee Rivas. So what, you might ask. Here's what...
2. The name and associated logo will be the
new blog's name, will appear on t-shirts, will be on any banners or signage that represent the club, etc. So, the first official "challenge" for everyone is to create a logo for "The Royal Pencil Society".
We will discuss design considerations at the next meeting which is this Friday, the 16th at 10am.
3. We "annointed" two graduate students who will serve as our first student leaders:
Sandee Chamberlain and
Renee Rivas. They will be coordinating workshops, field trips, challenges and generally serving as the organizational leadership for the RPS. They will be asking for help from others from time to time, so please pitch in and do what you can to make this work for everyone.
So, that's pretty much it for now. Remember that every current SCAD student is welcome to join us, so if you know folks in other departments who have an interest in Illustration, spread the word!